Upcoming Events

2025 WOMEN’S WINTER RETREAT: The Five Gates of Grief

February 28, 2025, 5pm – March 2nd, 2025, 3pm

This retreat will explore the work of Francis Weller, MFT in his book The Wild Edge of Sorrow. Our time will include group conversation and individual reflection, as well as opportunities for gentle yoga, beach walks and forest bathing. 6 meals and accommodations included. A free will offering will be taken up at the end of the weekend

Limit 16 women. To register or for more details, email Carol Guenther at sursumcorda@coastaccess.com


December 6, 5pm – December 8, 10am

For Couples and Individuals

On this weekend, participants will be guided through a workbook to reflect on important end of life issues. The schedule will include beach time, delicious meals and individual/couple conversation time.

Five Wishes is an easy-to-use legal advance directive document written in everyday language. It helps all
adults, regardless of age or health, to consider and document how they want to be cared for at the end of
life. It covers personal, spiritual, medical and legal wishes all in one document.
It is America’s most popular living will with more than 40 million copies in circulation and it’s legally valid in nearly every state.

Limit 16.
The weekend will include 2 nights accommodations, 5 meals and materials.
An anonymous free will offering will be taken up at the end of the weekend to accommodate all incomes.
For more details, contact Carol Guenther at SursumCorda@coastaccess.com